- 节省30%的工时
- 极佳的初始粘接, 可在低温环境施工
- 经济适用,可用于高精度施工
- 每罐可用于粘贴12平方米的保温板
- 施工中,可竖向使用
- 施工环境温度广 -5℃至+35℃
- 导热系数为 0.035 W/m.K,用来填缝时可增强保温板整体的隔热性能
- 保持弹性,不会发生脆性破坏
- 可自找平不平整的基材
- 后膨胀极小,可用于高速且精准的保温板和装饰板的安装
- 相较于普通屋面胶或砂浆产品等,大大降低了现场存放的空间和荷载使用要求
- 固化速度快,约1小时后即可进行后道工序
- 不含溶剂
- 可抵抗多种溶剂和化学物质
- 不易老化和腐坏, 可防霉, 注意不防紫外线
- 可防水
- 燃烧性能为B2(DIN 4102, part 1)
- Clean, efficient and economical permanent bonding of insulation panels.
- Suitable for bonding polystyrene (EPS + XPS), polyurethane (PUR/PIR) and phenol resin foam based insulation panels for flat roofs, perimeters,
facades, insulation/drain elements, cellar ceilings, internal insulation, etc.
- Suitable for bonding gypsum plasterboard/gypsum fiberboard in dry lining applications.
- Suitable for bonding non-load bearing walls, e.g. partition walls, screen walls, cellar bars, stone shelves, etc., of concrete precision blocks (aerated concrete, sand-lime brick, gypsum,...).
- Fills cavities between individual thermal insulation panels.